Sunday, April 20, 2008

Between the Holies

It looks like we've survived the weekend that marks the anniversaries of some of the worst US tragedies without any horrendous mimickry. Our daughters have, in chronological order by event, been picked up at LaGuardia from a South Carolina visit with friends on Friday evening, attended a youth gathering in Yonkers with Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday and spent most of Sunday in the upper deck at Yankee Stadium to celebrate the Mass with the Pope. Three daughters with three memorable events in NYC on three consecutive days.

Tomorrow, Monday, I drive up to Colgate to be part of the most amazing three days in daughter #2's life - Sunday in Yankee Stadium to see the Pope and Tuesday at Colgate to see the Dalai Lama. The security at Colgate will be even tighter - no cameras, no cell phones. Thankfully we'll all be allowed to wear clothes but not much more. In a strange recreation of days gone by, my daughter and I will have to find each other, are you ready?, without cell phones (gasp!).

Well, here's a new wrinkle. Daughter #3 needs one last look at St. Joe's U in Philadelphia before making her final decision. I was going to drive home Tuesday after seeing the Dalai Lama and then we would drive down and back Wednesday. Now the plan may be that I drive down to Philly from Hamilton and she takes the train and we stay over in Philly. Obladi, oblada, ...

1 comment:

Larry said...

Quite the schedule you've got there...

The Pope bumped the Yankees into an 18 of 20 road game schedule. Thank God (but not Benedict) that Andy Pettitte broke the 3-game losing streak.

Have fun at Colgate. You'll get to brush up on your nonviolence...