Sunday, April 13, 2008

Portentous April

April can be anyone's favorite month. For all of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it generally marks the end of winter and the showers bring the flowers and the birds and the bees. It's a beautiful month with flora in bloom.

But April has been marred over the past decade and a half by horrific tragedies - Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine and VA Tech. Half of our 4 wonderful kids were born in April and one missed by 3 days. Plenty of great people were and have been born in April but so was Hitler.

Our oldest will be seeing the Pope this Saturday in NYC on the anniversary of Waco and Oklahoma City, 4 days after her 22nd birthday. Our second daughter will see him the next day on the anniversary of Columbine and Hitler's birthday. Two days later she (and I) will see the Dalai Lama at Colgate.

As my previous post stated, I'm still hopeful that these are portents of an incredibly blessed month.


Larry said...

Well, we're 2/3s of the way though April and the only disasters are the continuing war and the free-falling economy.

Perhaps all the supersurveillance the FBI and NSA and CIA are doing is actually keeping domestic terrorism at bay.

mick said...

Or perhaps those groups are too busy spying on all of us to create any more terrorism - until it's absolutely necessary. I doubt we make it to November without some kind of attack.

But the GOP win either way - if we don't get attacked, it's because of their vigilance; if we do get attacked, it's an assault on freedom and we need to keep them in power during a time of war - anything else would be unpatriotic.