Saturday, April 26, 2008

Reflections of my life

So I survived a crazy week - Monday, a 4-hour drive up to Colgate to visit our daughter #2, Tuesday, sat for 3 hours to have good seats to see the Dalai Lama and then drove 4 hours south to Philadelphia and picked up daughter #3 at the train station and to the hotel around midnight (but didn't post), Wednesday, toured St. Joseph University and she said that's where she wants to go so we drove, yes, another 4 hours back to home. 12 hours of driving in 5 states for around 700 miles in the hybrid. Good thing it's getting low 40s for MPGs. Gas prices were like $3.45 in Mass, $3.55 in NY and PA, $3.17 on the Jersey Tpke. Of course, I didn't need gas until NY & PA.

The cheapest gas in the area today, Saturday, is like $3.64 and other places have it in the $3.80s. I think $4 per gallon will be here next week. I'm trying to avoid being another political blog but I'm totally disgusted with both sides and all the current politicians. There is no reason for these gas prices except corporate greed. How high do they have to get before we realize that everything is going up to where most people can't afford anything? A loaf of Italian bread here at home the other night had a 30 cent rise on a sticker they put over the price that had been printed on the paper wrapper. I can't believe the truckers haven't protested that they're paying a dollar more per gallon than the rest of us. Rome is burning and our politicians are out playing golf, touring foreign countries, or using their well-honed skills that they've practiced on all of us for their personal pleasure at expensive brothels (T.S. Eliot!)

I wonder how bad things are going to get before they suspend the elections or someone gets assassinated or they finally capture bin Laden. I don't trust any of them any more. But the masses are asses and the majority of them will be returned to Congress so they can continue wasting our money in this ill-conceived war.

OK, back to my "no politics" pledge. There's enough of those blogs out there and nobody reads them except people who agree with them. You can't force people to read, or to think, so don't expect any miracles in any election. And after 2000 and 2004, I don't believe in elections any more either.

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