Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Darkest Hours

As the saying goes, "the darkest hours are right before the dawn". It's great to have this imaginary friend of a blog that I can talk to at a time like this.

No, things have not crashed and burned since my previous post. OK, I did knock a large Pez container off the counter in the kitchen in the dark which remarkably woke up nobody, including the dog.

I've either been suddenly afflicted with allergies in my late 50s or I have a cold, a phenomenon which is rare enough in my life to cause me to be awake at 3:30 AM. My voice has changed in the past day or so and I've had cold-like symptoms but I've generally felt fine. I know this is a terrible allergy season and have heard of others who have been affected this year when that only happened one other year in their life, which I can relate to. We've been out on a dusty baseball field with dust blowing around to rival some desert videos I've seen.

Whatever the case, I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight. Yes, I'll probably have to make up for it some other time but for now I've given up pretending. I've come downstairs to try not to wake anyone else up but we're in the middle of construction right now so the only bathroom is upstairs. The best remedy I can come up with is to drink mass quantities of water or orange juice so I'm making regular trips up and down the creaky stairs.

Still no sign of light on the eastern horizon...

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