Saturday, October 18, 2014

Internet Fast Lane?

With all this talk about "net neutrality" and the impending "internet fast lane" where corporations and the wealthy will get their needs taken care of while the rest of us, or those who can't afford whatever prohibitive rates the "owners" of the internet impose, will be relegated to the "slow lane"... hasn't this already happened?

When you go to any website, doesn't your browser pause, sometimes for an annoyingly long time?  Isn't the reason for that pause that all the ads have to load up first and they've all gotten more aggressive in their struggle to be the one that gets your attention?  All of these videos and flashing lights and sounds and arrows take up bandwidth.  Presumably the advertisers have paid their money and want their vitally important messages to be splattered all over the screen first before the unimportant stuff like your personal email or bank account information.

So haven't those with the money already won?  Money equals power, both on the internet and in politics, US domestic politics and that in foreign countries.  We can continue to dream about the utopian ideals of democracy, whether on the internet or in the policies that control the internet, but it will never come.

Our capitalist system has firmly entrenched the "rights" of the rich and powerful.  The rest of us can kvetch and blog and verbally lament these realities, but the system is rigged.  It has always been rigged but there is no longer any pretense.

Resistance is futile.

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